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Quote form Batman Begins – “It’s not what you are underneath. It’s what you do that defines you.”

It’s a very memorable quote – makes you think .. makes you question all the people who have extremely noble and brave thoughts and yet live they lives like anyone else – passively annoyed by the indifference of others, sadly dreaming of a better world. Well, changing the world is kind of a mammoth task. Could a single man make it as best as he sees it – if he has extremely low standards – still debatable yet easier. From experience I know that the way to completing a mammoth task takes a loads of consistent efforts to be focused at making all the small steps to – lets say – steps to reach the top of the mountain. It also takes time, therefore patience – a quality found in people in small quantities.

Due to the insufficient time and/or patience I came to the conclusion that a lifetime is probably not enough.  So now what – is there a way, a loophole maybe? Sure there is – it’s in the consistency of people making difference in the world throughout their lives and making sure those after them are convinced and inspired to follow their lead.

So my advice, not to say hope, is that whoever reads this gets inspired and goes and does something to make a difference and redefine himself.

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